A 7-week course to release the spell of ‘the one’ and make way for aligned union.



The Beloved Reset begins in...









Say no more. I'm a yes.

You’re intelligent, beautiful, grounded, and thriving in life.

But, there’s one thing missing…


Your beloved. Your ‘One'. Your soulmate.


Your New Age Prince Charming.

A Divine Love, ordained by God.

Created for one another before this life.

And lovers in all lives before.


You’ve done it all to “call in your Beloved”

Made endless manifestation lists in your journals.

Made offerings to the ocean.

Written him letters.


Sorry babe—but the truth is as long as you’re “calling in your beloved”…he’s not coming.


I learned this the hard way.


Spent endless nights crying wondering where the fuck he is.

 Welcomed toxic relationships without seeing the red flags because I had “beloved vision”. 

Felt abandoned by God, and a failure for not being able to manifest or pray him into my reality. 

Projected all over lovers based on my “manifestation lists” of what I wanted in a partner rather than accepting them for who they are.



I know I’m not alone in having had this experience.

I see so many EPIC & conscious women who are alone, yearning, and despite their
resume of amazing qualities.


Truth is, we have been veiled.

Under a spell.

A program that keeps us yearning.

Searching high and low to find ‘him’

And blind to the incredible men that want to love us.


This program has been spun into the matrix via Disney, rom-coms, bad dating advice & Cosmo.


Yet, it's even more pervasive in spiritual communities.

Soulmate/Twinflame Readings

Books to help you call in the one

And the most toxic?

The trauma-bonding between spiritual women as they discuss what they are "calling in"


This spell is the #1 thing keeping you from a healthy, thriving, magnetic relationship.


I was so lost in this spell…

It took a hard rejection from a lover who "could have been my ONE" to see what was happening...

I realized that the idea of the Beloved I wanted so badly was REPELLING  me from it.


I went DEEP to eject from it.

Full-on death portal.

I was able to FINALLY lift the veil that was keeping me in a constant state of searching, failure, and incompleteness.

 Once I fully de-programmed, the most incredible, magnetic, secure love landed on my doorstep (literally).

This course is not about just about finding Love. 

Its about clearing you from the distortions that are keeping you from your soul's authentic truth.

The Beloved Reset is here to help you break the spell, and do the inner work to make way for aligned union.

MODULE 1: Ejecting from the Spell


MODULE 2: Releasing the King


MODULE 3: The Death Portal


MODULE 4: The Forgiveness Portal


MODULE 5: Holy Wholeness


MODULE 6: Rewiring for Union


MODULE 7: Encoding & Closing

Pre-Course Materials: To prepare you for the Reset

Welcome Video

Journal Prompts

Altar Creation Instructions

7x 2-2.5 hour Live Calls : Held on Wednesday's 4 pm PST during the following dates...

August 3rd

August 10th

August 17th

August 24th


September 7th

September 14th 

1x 1:1 Private Coaching Call w/ Kelsey

Alignment Practices: Practices crafted to align you with the medicine of each module.

Guided Energy Work

Self-Pleasure Rituals



Embodiment Practices 

Mini-Morning Practices: Mini rituals to support daily integration of the Reset.

Weekly Ritual Experiences: A deep self-initiated healing ritual experience to guide the Reset.  

BONUS Transmissions (pre-recorded):

Union Transmission with Alma Rose*

Quantum Clearing with Alma Rose*

Attuning to God, Opening to the Masculine with Ori Davhan*

The Modern Priestess Video

Inanna Mythology & Wisdom Video


Ohh Yes. I'm in.
Dismantle programming around the beloved/one/soulmate.

Harmonize discordant frequencies in your field that are siphoning your energy and keeping you stuck.

 Release the endless cycle of calling in, searching, and waiting for your beloved.

Clear programs of distrust of the masculine and fear of abandonment.

 Stop settling for lovers that are out of alignment and looping in self-betrayal.

 Liberate yourself and your partners from the projection of perfectionism.

 Unveil and HEAL your unhealthy relationship behaviors that keep you in a cycle of disharmony.

 Create a secure relationship with yourself, the masculine, and source.

Engage in the most authentic, loving, and clear way in all of your relations.

Eliminate the vibration of NEED when it comes to love and sex.

Cultivate a romantic, sensual, and loving relationship with yourself.

Embody WHOLENESS, TRUST, and FULFILLMENT like never before.

Become magnetic to all that is truly meant for you…across all areas of your life.

Strengthen your relationship to the Godhead, and step into full creator-ship of your reality. 

Magnetize healthy, stable, secure soul-aligned love.


Alicia, 39

"Every offering I have taken with Kelsey has been divine. She listens so deeply and sees you as the light being that you are. To be seen and supported in this way is indescribable & I could feel it awakening my cells. 

She is also SO FUN! I found myself so looking forward to our calls and just being in her energy and I am beyond thankful."

Cora, 28

"Working with Kelsey, I felt a spark come back into my being and a deep sigh of relief—this was exactly where I needed to be, to be more in my magick.

Each week of material brought a high level of intentionality and clarified focus to dive deeper into the ancient remembrance of and connection to the priestess power within me."

Emma, 29

"It feels like my whole life has shifted. I have tapped into this deep well of power and pleasure that had barely been opened before.

I feel more confident in my truth, and so much more permission to bask in my pleasure and let beauty guide the way."

Aliza, 35

"Working with Kelsey is not just another coaching program or woo-woo priestess path. Kelsey is the real deal. A playful and powerful priestess who walks her walk. Her programs and 1:1 sessions facilitate real transformation. I can't recommend working with her enough. 

In the Fall of 2021, in the midst of the deepest heartbreak I'd ever experienced, I joined Kelsey's Beloved Reset and it literally changed my life. The Beloved Reset walked me back to wholeness - first and foremost in myself - which allowed a divine union to return to my life and flourish. 

In this now blossoming partnership, I'm growing more than ever and accessing deeper layers of intimacy, pleasure and trust than ever before. Kelsey's guidance has been present and essential every step of the way."

Jeanie, 33

“The beloved reset found me in the most perfect time when I went trough an inner turmoil. Kelsey’s program helped me to see the distrust I had in myself and my partnerships. 

In the course, Kelsey offered me release techniques that cleared out the mental clutter and guided me gently to a godly awareness of self and opened channels through her channeling to give me a glimpse of my purpose in this world. At this point I became more confident within and with that then came more understanding for the triggers and wounds touched by past lovers. 

She helped me to shift my lovership to God/Creator/the universe instead something or someone on the outside.

Through the teaching of the Beloved reset, I noticed my resistance, doubts, fear and how little I have trusted in divinity. I was cut off in so many ways. Kelsey’s tools and channeled wisdom really paved a new way for me, where I could release the last toxic relationship and now carry on with an open heart, knowing there is someone much more aligned out there for me. I’m deeply grateful for her mentorship and can highly recommend this program.” 

Kendall, 29

“I decided to join Kelsey‘s beloved reset course at a time when I was in a really painful unwinding with an ex and going through some deep self healing. It felt like this arrived at the perfect time because I could feel my anger, my resentment, the pain just overtaking and I really did not want to carry that forward. I didn’t do this course with the intention of attracting a partner, but I knew that in the future when I did want one I didn’t want to be holding this resentment and pain. And I’m so glad that I stepped into this, what I received was beyond what I could’ve anticipated. 


Between the group calls and the rituals and the one on one calls that I experienced, I had such next level healing within. I got to witness myself so deeply in my power with this person that in the past had triggered me so immensely. To get to witness myself go from highly triggered and reactive and self victimizing—to being in my center, loving, and deeply trusting of the universe was HUGE. I was able to unwind that past relationship, to move out of the country and back to California without carrying the deep pain. Of course there’s always more layers but the level that I got to was unbelievable. 


I got back to California and we completed this course, about four months later I met my person. It definitely caught me by surprise because i wasn’t out looking for it. I didn’t do this to get that I just trusted my knowledge and I think that’s what I find the most with Kelseys courses and what she shares as well, is that when we do something to get some thing it doesn’t work out the way we want. But when we just follow or nudge and trust all kinds of magic can happen. The biggest thing for me in this rewiring was to unguard a deeper layer of my heart, to believe in love again (not the fake fairytale love, but true, real love), and to soften my heart to receive that.


I’m in such a deeply fulfilling relationship now and 100% feel that this course helped to prepare me for that. I don’t know if I would have been ready at this exact time otherwise. In fact Kelsey is one of the reasons that I met this person so this course also just deepened our sisterhood and connection together and it was while visiting her that I met this person 😏 so I am all kinds of grateful for Kelsey and if you have an opportunity to do this course I 100% recommend it."

Angelica, 27

“I said YES to the Beloved Reset because I was so tired of feeling doomed in relationships and love. Always looking for “the one” was literally driving me crazy and kept me disconnected from life and my potential. Not only did taking the Beloved Reset shift all that for me, but it also opened me up to a realm of connection and love within myself I didn’t even know was possible before. 

I am totally blown away by the changes I have seen both internally and externally in my life. Disconnecting from the distortion and reconnecting to the divine has been the most beautiful journey I didn’t know I needed - and I can’t begin to thank Kelsey enough for the container she has held to make it possible. She has extensive knowledge and a deep desire for what she is teaching and offers genuine support and presence throughout the process. I have emerged on the other side of the Beloved Reset a WHOLE new woman, with new rituals and practices I have integrated into my daily life.

 It's hard to imagine where I would be right now if Kelsey and the BR hadn’t come into my life, but I’m so grateful for everything that has come forth from these sacred teachings Kelsey holds. I highly recommend if you hear the call and have the nudge to work with her, do it! The only thing you will lose is all the limiting beliefs you’re holding about yourself and the potential for outrageous love.  Thank you Kelsey."

10000% what I need. Yes.
I am a mentor, teacher, and facilitator of the Feminine Arts.
My mission is to help women de-program sex, sensuality, relationships, and femininity to embody their unique expressions of love, pleasure, and magnetism.


I have supported over 160 women through my online courses & 1:1 coaching programs. 


I strive to empower women to embody their sensuality as a tool to activate their inherent feminine magic.


Playfulness, laughter, and not taking myself too seriously are the foundations of my being.


I am inspired by the revival of ancient feminine mysticism through my study of Temple Arts, Ritual Magic, and Goddess Worship.


I live a life of ritual devotion to my energetic sovereignty, and support women from around the world to do the same.


I am here to set you free from the archaic programming that is keeping you from your highest timeline.



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3 monthly payments